19. 11. 2009

About Zuzi

Hello again! I´m going to write there something about me.
My name is Zuzka and I´m from Ostrava in the Czech Republic (that´s in central Europe). I´m 13 years old. I like nature, mountains, etc. I´m a scout (I don´t think a spy, I think a person who goes to the Scout organisation.). One day, I´d like to travel to Nepal - there is beautiful nature and people, other than at home. I have a friend, Elizabeth. We are friends ever since nursery school. We are going to gymnasium nearly our homes. Few days ago, we decided to start off this blog. Why? Because Liz´s aunt lives in the USA and she has got her blog (in English, of course) and we decide to speak with her by the blog.
At the end of article, I´d like to say "sorry" becouse of my simple English - it isn´t my native language.. ☺

1 komentář:

  1. Zuzi, it is perfect!
    I like your enthusiasm...I think you are absolutely right, blogs are a little unobtrusive way to share our everyday lives with outside world....and it has another charm in it - years latter you will see what you have been up to when you were wonderful 13 years old ;)
